The Picture Book Museum, also known as the Picture Book Library, and is located in Iwaki City, Japan, in an area noted for its natural beauty. At the request of a kindergarten principal known as Mr. Ray, renowned Japanese architect Tadao Ando designed this privately-owned special library mainly to serve three local preschools. However, since the opening of its doors to the public in 2005, visitors have flocked to the library on its open-access days to see Ando’s design and to enjoy the collection of international children’s books. Ando was given only one instruction by Mr. Ray: that all the bookcovers face outward. There are no signs anywhere. The main reading room has wooden walls of book cubbies and the stairs also serve as seating for reading. The nearby seascape is visible in every part of the building. The collection of about 10,000 books, displays 1500 at any given time. In Tadao Ando's words: "It will help kids dream."
21 hours ago
I want this building for my home...minus the other people. I admit to not playing well with others when it comes to sharing books and space. :}
You surely read enuf books to deserve this building!
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