Friday, January 2, 2009

Sneak peek: Baryonyx

Illustration and poem copyright 2009 by Douglas Florian

To celebrate the new year, a new sneak peek from DINOTHESAURUS, coming this March.
Baryonyx, nicknamed claws, had a twelve-inch curved claw on each hand which it used to...well, you'll have to read the poem to find out:

BARE-ee-ON-icks (heavy claw)
He had a huge and heavy claw
And crocodile-like skull.
A lashing, slashing, dino-saw,
A sharpie, never dull.
His claws and jaws and pointed teeth
Were fashioned to attack.
If Bary you should ever meet-
Ask him to scratch your back.


Nanny said...

Got to get me one of those!

Unknown said...

Ouch...i'm picturing one bloody back.
Great poem and illustration. Can't wait to read the whole book:)

Happy New Year, Douglas.

Julie said...

Happy New Year, Douglas. I'm looking forward to buying Dinothesaurus! Any chance you'll make it to the Pacific Northwest this spring/summer for a conference, signing, anything?

laurasalas said...

Ha! I thought the last line was going to be a warning to "watch your back." Nice surprise.

Happy New Year!

Jules at 7-Imp said...

Oooh, oooh! I'm jumping up and down over the sneak peek. Thank you. Happy new year!

Douglas Florian said...

Thanks and Happy New Year to Nanny, Laura,
Jill, Julie, and Jules
(nice alliteration)
I'd be happy to go to a conference if they'll pay my expenses.

Kelly Polark said...

Thank you for the sneak peek! Love the poem and illustration! I am so looking forward to your new book. I could use Bary's claw right now with my dry skin this winter:0)

Sara said...

Who needs a spa salt-scrub when you've got Bary?

Thanks for the preview!

Douglas Florian said...

As the Glossarysaurus will explain,
Baryonyx caught fish along riverbanks with those claws, hence all those fish in the art.

Sylvia Vardell said...

Love the sneak peek-- and the whole book, which I have been lucky enough to get in advance. It's amazing!

Douglas Florian said...

Thanks, Sylvia

Anonymous said...

Smiling- I enjoy the whimsy here. Like you, I also enjoy Ogden Nash's work.
Darling illustration.
That's exciting news about publication! Is it your first book?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just read your side bar that your other book won an award. Congratulations!

Wish you lived in the USA for a book signing.

Elaine Magliaro said...


Thanks for the poem--a nice New Year's gift for us poetry freaks.

Julie said...


Douglas Florian said...

Thanks so much. I tried to keep Bary anatomically correct, but a juvenile of the species, as is the boy.

Anonymous said...

Your books are always so fun to read aloud. I'm looking forward to adding this new one to my collection. Best Wishes!