Monday, December 29, 2008

Mae West Monday

Opportunity knocks for every man,

but you have to give a woman a ring.

Mae West


Nanny said...

The wordplay rings true.

melanie hope greenberg said...

Mae is something else, what that is, I don't know.

A bit of made up Marxism for Mae from moi.

No worries Doug, I won't buy you a Dinette set for Hannukkah this year.

I'll just wish you and all my fellow bloggers and posters and lurkers a joyous season.

Happy New Year!

Douglas Florian said...

Mae oui!

Mae West NYC said...

MAE WEST said: "I'd rather be looked over than overlooked!" So come up and see Mae, honey!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. D. Florian
My name is Tanya Ayala I teach Enlgish as a Second Language in Puerto Rico. My students are reading a book about you "Douglas Florian Poet and Artist" we found your blog and decided to say hello. My students are in 6th grade:
hello my name stephanie
hello my name yessenia
hello my name angel
we are studying your poems