Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4th Starred Review!!!!

Triceratops poem and image copyright 2009 Douglas Florian
My editor, Andrea, has just told me that DINOTHESAURUS will receive its fourth starred review in the May 1st issue of School Library Journal. Yay!!!! Here it is, as well as the Triceratops poem:

* School Library Journal May 1, 2009 issue
DINOTHESAURUS Written and Illustrated by Douglas Florian(Beach Lane Books; ISBN 9781416979784; March 2009; Spring catalog pg. 3)K-Gr 3–Set in spreads of dreamy dinosaur art, these 20 playful paleontologic poems overflow with wit and useful information. “What kept the Spinosaurus warm/When it was colder than the norm?/Spines much like a solar panel./(And long underwear of flannel.)” Sandwiched between two general poems entitled “The Age of Dinosaurs” and “The End of Dinosaurs,” the entries describe individual species. Each selection includes a helpful pronunciation guide as well as the meaning behind the dinosaur’s name. In muted colors with unexpected details, the ethereal artwork differs from the bold, aggressive pictures found in many dinosaur books. Created on paper bags with a variety of media, this collage art expands on the humor found in the verses. Back matter includes a “Glossarysaurus” that provides more information for each dinosaur and details about its extinction, and a page of dinosaur museums and fossil Web sites. This smart marriage of dinosaurs and poetry will delight a wide audience.–Julie Roach, Cambridge Public Library, MA (starred)

try-SAIR-a-tops (three-horned face)

Born with three great horns in place,
Triceratops was in your face.


Anonymous said...

Three cheers for three-horned face, his Dinothesaurus pals, and Mr. Florian!!! :)

Unknown said...

You are on fire!!!!
I was in my son's 3rd grade class today and they have ALL your books. Guess I'll have to buy them DINOTHESAURUS to complete their collection.
So happy for you, Doug.

Kelly H-Y said...

WOOHOOOO!!!! What a great feeling! Congratulations!

Rosemoo said...

You deserve it, it's a great book!

jama said...

Fab fab fab! Congrats!!

Douglas Florian said...

Thanks Terry, Jill and Jama, too
Jill and Kelly, and Rosemoo!

Kelly Polark said...

Congrats, Douglas! Well deserved! My four year old gave it rave reviews, too!

Miss O said...

A while back you visited my elementary school and ever since I have been using your books. I just bought the dinosaur book.
The alligator and crocodile is a favorite of my second grade class.

We love your poems.

Elizabeth O'Brien

J. Patrick Lewis said...

Bravo, Douglas! The stars are aligned, glittering every one, and all so well-deserved.

Taking Notes said...

Congratulations. Well-deserved! I love Dinothesaurus and will introduce my nephew to him and his friends Crocodile and Alligator.

Douglas Florian said...

Thanks Kelly,Miss O,Jeanne and Pat
And, of course, Poetikat!

Elaine Magliaro said...


Congratulations! This is one Dinomite collection of poetry and art. I have no doubt that it will be a tremendous hit with kids.

Corey Schwartz said...

Hi Doug, Congrats. Clicked through from Yat-Yee's blog. Your book looks lovely. Ill have to order it for my kids.

Douglas Florian said...

gracias, Elaine and Corey!

laurasalas said...

Congratulations, Douglas! Wow!

I have to tell you, I was in SW Minnesota (very rural) last week for school visits, and I was talking about Poetry Month with a media specialist, and she was telling me how she had just read "a dinosaur poetry book" with the kids and they just loved it. "Oooh, is it Douglas Florian's Dinothesaurus?" I asked. And it was!

These schools get very few new books that aren't a result of Scholastic Book Fairs, and they have very few brand new books. But this school had yours, and she said it was huge hit with the kids.

(I also showed off your book to the writers in a poetry workshop I did on Saturday--more ooohs and ahhhs there.)

Anna Alter said...
