Monday, March 30, 2009

"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream."
Vincent Van Gogh


Kimbra Kasch said...

Reminds me of The Scream.

Just thought you might want to know about my ”Poetry Contest”

I mean with a name like yours...

Kelly Polark said...

I love Van Gogh. We have several of his paintings (reproductions) in our home.

Elaine Magliaro said...


Van Gogh is my favorite artist. His paintings seem alive--some almost appear to move on the canvas.

I'd love to write a book of poems about his paintings!

Kelly H-Y said...

Just saw a great review of your new book, Dinothesaurus, in the April issue of FamilyFun! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Simply adore Van Gogh and his mix of genius and insanity. I have the latter; wish I could have the former too... ;}

Douglas Florian said...

crazy like a fox!

tess said...

Teach Me to Look at the Stars

What is this spell you cast?
How can the moon’s gold last?
Rolling waves of sky and stars?
Their light multiplied by the iris of your eye!
Their orbit spun a wheel of water,
As you wound the aspen to a blackened spire.
The little village you put to sleep beneath a blue haze,
Other slept, some full, some hungry, but none so full of your praise --
A blanket of paint, cool and quiet,
under the stars eternal riot.
That night, and there were others,
when your head turned to the sky,
To the canvas above calling you.
Calling you, goodbye.

Yat-Yee said...

Douglas: a new library opened in my town and lo and behold, your book is displayed on the highest shelf in the children's poetry section. They have a few others of your books as well.

Here's a picture:

tess said...

That tree is a cypress. I've revised my poem, if you care to see a revision,
I loved seeing this painting here. It just brought up so many things for me. said...

I admire Van Gogh! and saw this one at MOMA two years ago!